Integrative Physical Therapy

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”


When you experience anxiety and chronic pain, allostatic load (negative accumulative effect of chronic stress) has burdened your inner landscape (identity, emotions, and mind) causing the breakdown of homeostasis (body’s systemic ability to maintain balance). Integration of coherence while breaking tight subconscious boundaries activate new neural networks developing a resilient nervous system. Regaining homeostasis systemically has profound healing benefits rehabilitating mind, body, identity, and emotions.

Scroll down to discover the meaning of why physical therapy, psychology, and a systems biology approach are the gold standard of world class whole-person-centered care.

The answer to your PAINFUL & DYSREGULATED system

An ethos centered on treating the whole person.
An avant garde approach to physical therapy.

  • 1.   Hear “what’s the matter” in client’s description of dysfunction in body.

    2.   Prioritize the “CC” (Chief Complaint).

    3.   Evaluate how pain affects movement.

    4.   Find weakness and strengthen.

    5.   Find stiffness and mobilize.

    6.   Activate functional movement practices.

  • 1.   Listen to “what matters to client” (purpose/meaning/drive).

    2.   Gently direct client to “CC” (be Curious & Consider).

    3.   Listen with understanding for wound from hidden conflict within.

    4.   Seek out false narratives that speak lies.

    5.   Provide self-guided bespoke treatment options that promote a coherent nervous system psycho-physiologically.

    6.   Educate and inspire to initiate self-love by inner bonding, discover your dormant hidden identity, and evoke the catalyst for emergence of your best self.

“I will give you back your health and heal your wounds.” Jeremiah 30:17

Anxiety present is mind asking body, ”Please help me feel safe.” When ignored, it morphs into physical pain.