from the bondage of NEURO EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS at the ROOT!


It’s time to be NEURO EMANCIPATED.

My name is Kai Aird. I am an Integrative Physical Therapist and a pioneer who is trailblazing the way for women to receive healing from surviving years of abuse, neglect, and fragmented identities. They are suffering from a shattered nervous system that is desperately seeking emotional safety, and as a result experience neuro emotional symptoms including migraine, aura, tinnitus, vertigo, TMJ, nerve pain, IBS, fatigue, IC, insomnia, brainfog, and anxiety. Research shows the neurobiological effects on the autonomic and enteric nervous systems originating from an environment fraught with early life stress - more specifically emotional abuse & emotional neglect. I teach women how to return to functional wholeness systemically within their nervous system (mind, body, and emotions) through a compassionate release of deeply held patterns of subconscious false beliefs, suppressed negative emotions, defensive survival mechanisms, and stress physiology. This creates the space for grace to receive back what was stolen : their true identity, their balanced physiology without inflammatory exacerbations, and their authentic connection to self that has been hidden under years of dysfunctional conditioning and cellular disconnection. I invite you to explore my website or consider my online course LADY LIBERTY: Neuro Emancipation From All Neuro Emotional Symptoms.

What people are saying. . .

Kai possesses a superior knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body, as well as the functional mechanics of the body. She has an innate and sincere sense of caring. This manifests as a healing partnership. She has a healing touch and spirit, and is blessed with healing hands. Her spiritual energy, and willingness to be open to utilize whatever modality (musical, breath, meditation etc) may contribute towards the goal of patient wellness is a beautiful recipe for success. It’s my fortune to have found her.”

— Dr. Mitchell Davis

" Kai and her program have been eye opening into how we store pain and trauma in the body. . . learning to be vulnerable played a big role for me in this course with my healing. . . Thank you Kai for caring, walking this journey first and sharing it with us."

Tracey Medrano

“Kai uncovered why I could no longer function pain free. I was compensating for the imbalances in my body from increasing job stresses that affected my pain. By following Kai I am able to maintain better balance and remain pain free." 

— Deb Traster                                              


  • Pic of a person walking along a railroad at night towards a bright shining light in the distance.


    Toxic overload of emotional, physical, and chemical stressors at the cellular level create nervous system sensory paralysis.

  • Pic of a woman's profile showing the intricate details of her brain and cervical spinal chord.


    Childhood programming began a pattern of false beliefs and dysfunctional thinking deep in your subconscious.

  • Pic of  a young man with both hands covering his face that is shadowed, hiding his emotional state.


    Memories of past wounds have created warped storage methods causing maladaptive reactions to stress, rooted deep within your nervous system.

Are you stressed out?

I am here for you. You are my ideal client. Have you gone to multiple doctors, had multiple diagnostic tests, and yet can’t find a THING wrong with you? Have you had a myriad of symptoms for at LEAST 3-6 months (if not years or decades) and told “it must all be in your head?” Often, the emotional pain you have endured, or the conflict you are contemplating within is an invitation to explore deeper. Your body may be manifesting what your mind and emotions are attempting to process. In essence, this is the definition of “dis-ease”, “stress illness”, “somatization”, “psychophysiological/psychosomatic disorder” or “my body hurts, is chronically inflamed, and feels utterly broken!” I am here to educate, comfort, and hold your hand with confidence and compassion. You are my ideal client, and my purpose in life. My 20+ years experience working with the nuances of stress neurobiology and its deception on your perceptions relating to yourself and how you function in the world around you is why I can help YOU.